April 24, 2010


Just wanted to say that I don't necessarily agree with everything that has been said in the "Evenings with Victoria" posts but there are many things to be gleaned.  We all have varying views on our roles as wives, homeschooling, parenting, and such, but it all boils down to our main purpose which is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  The Bible is our final authority for faith and practice and I know that a lot of times we want to pick at each other for the "little" things we disagree on, so I left the posts in their entirety so that we could all glean from them and if you don't agree in some area then that's okay too!  I am very thankful that she has taken time out of her very busy schedule to host this webinar to teach younger women, because in this day and age they need all the help they can get!  Everyone wants to do that which is right in their own eyes and not be accountable to anyone.  So anyway my point being, there may be things you don't agree with but take from it what you can use to improve your life with your family and your relationship with God and others and lets make a step forward in the right direction!

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