* written by Rachel Brown
If people looking in on the outside scrutinized our lives, even the intimate details we try to hide, would they see a wild-haired, long-clawed woman greedy for a husband, hypocritical in public, a domineering boss at home, a bore around her family, rebellious to the core, a relationship with God only embers, secretly reading romance novels and trying to pass off as a "content" daughter at home, and secretly longing to be married (as soon as possible!)?
If so, we would be denying everything we ever stood for. Our witness for Christ would disintegrate, and our influence as a content daughter at home would have failed. This is exactly what the feminist movement would like to happen. And taking a quick look around our society, I'd say this is what is happening. From the media especially we receive a distorted view of love and life. Liberals, atheists, communists, socialists, and feminists want us to get discouraged, wreck havoc in our homes, and ultimately destroy the family as an institution; therefore destroying God—their fundamental end. Betty Friedan, so-called "author" of American feminism, tried to misrepresent housewives as victims of patriarchy who are chained down by rules and regulations with absolutely no freedom. We are realistically slaves who have no say in life if we are bound down by the chains of a debased home, according to world feminism. On the other hand, we can be independent and free if we do what we want with our lives as long as we are away from the home. Forget about men, marriage, and babies—those are called shackles, more particularly, the shackles of yesterday (remember the song from Mary Poppins?) What we don't realize about Friedan, however, is that she was a staunch supporter of Joseph Stalin (communist dictator of Russia,1929-1953). Isn't it kind of ironic that a stalwart supporter of feminism and women's rights (women-who-want-nothing-to-do-with-men) was also devoted supporter of a...[gasp]...man? Another thing not commonly known among the feminist masses is that she was not a housewife herself, contrary to her stance. Her goal was the same as the communist movement: destroy the family, destroy the church, destroy the civil institutions, destroy society as a whole, destroy the country's liberty, destroy Almighty God.
"My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." -Karl Marx
If so, we would be denying everything we ever stood for. Our witness for Christ would disintegrate, and our influence as a content daughter at home would have failed. This is exactly what the feminist movement would like to happen. And taking a quick look around our society, I'd say this is what is happening. From the media especially we receive a distorted view of love and life. Liberals, atheists, communists, socialists, and feminists want us to get discouraged, wreck havoc in our homes, and ultimately destroy the family as an institution; therefore destroying God—their fundamental end. Betty Friedan, so-called "author" of American feminism, tried to misrepresent housewives as victims of patriarchy who are chained down by rules and regulations with absolutely no freedom. We are realistically slaves who have no say in life if we are bound down by the chains of a debased home, according to world feminism. On the other hand, we can be independent and free if we do what we want with our lives as long as we are away from the home. Forget about men, marriage, and babies—those are called shackles, more particularly, the shackles of yesterday (remember the song from Mary Poppins?) What we don't realize about Friedan, however, is that she was a staunch supporter of Joseph Stalin (communist dictator of Russia,1929-1953). Isn't it kind of ironic that a stalwart supporter of feminism and women's rights (women-who-want-nothing-to-do-with-men) was also devoted supporter of a...[gasp]...man? Another thing not commonly known among the feminist masses is that she was not a housewife herself, contrary to her stance. Her goal was the same as the communist movement: destroy the family, destroy the church, destroy the civil institutions, destroy society as a whole, destroy the country's liberty, destroy Almighty God.
"My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." -Karl Marx
"If I could control Hollywood, I could control the world." -Joseph Stalin
"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I plant will never be uprooted." -Vladimir Lenin
What we don't understand is that while we are fighting and bickering, daydreaming, and not working for the kingdom of Jesus Christ, communists and others are working their fingers to the bone to overthrow liberty. Have you ever stopped to wonder why there are so many feminists, atheists, obsessed radicals, liberals, racists, communists, socialists, and family/God/state/ haters; and yet seemingly so little of femininity, masculinity, godly leaders, freedom lovers, and Christian-grounded families? The answer is quite simple, really. The devoted leaders of the communist movement have realized they cannot win without the majority of the people. Therefore they water down their message to what the people want to hear, and they hide behind false names like "progressives," "healthcare," "government welfare," "environmentalism," "feminism," "media," "public schools" (i.e. government schools), "contemporary religion," "traditional Marxism," "homosexuality," and other such names. Millions of people eat up these words, and become, as Lenin put it so factually, "useful idiots." In other words, most of the common people don't really know the issue, don't really understand, and some probably don't really care. Confronted with the actual terms of "communism," "socialism," "destroy Americanism," they would most likely be stunned or unconcerned. We have become a callous, indifferent, hardhearted, and unfeeling people.
Today's American children learn nothing about this country's true history and founding fathers, but are given heroes like Abraham Lincoln who "freed the slaves and saved the Union," and Martin Luther King Jr, leader of the "civil rights movement" in the U.S., supposedly for black and white "integration." Moreover, children are brainwashed by evolution and "we come from monkeys." Every scrap of material taught in public schools comes from the government [read: communists], proving my point: while the useful idiots make up the lower classes, the true conspirators are in the news media, Hollywood, the newspapers, radio and television, Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate, even in the White House! They have one of their own in every leading branch of public interest. With yellow eyes, sharply filed fangs, and a seducing smile, they lead the overwhelming populace forward blindly. Someday the blind eyes of the people will finally open, but then it will be too late. Already we are socialistic and headed for communism ("The goal of socialism is communism." -Stalin). Our national leaders are directing a totalitarian government, and we shouldn't be surprised if, one day, we have a dictator in place of a President.
Benjamin Franklin said in concern: "I am apprehensive, therefore—perhaps too apprehensive—that the Government of these States may in future times end in a monarchy. But this catastrophe, I think, may be long delayed, if in our proposed system we do not sow the seeds of contention, faction, and tumult, by making our posts of honor places of profit." Apparently his apprehensions were well-grounded, for the results have become far more appalling than he ever dreamed.
Daughters at home are being attacked; masculinity and femininity are being attacked; gun rights are being attacked; families are under attack; the church is being attacked; the entirety of America is under attack, all from within our midst. Sometimes it would seem simpler if our invaders dropped bombs around us. Then we would know exactly what to do in return: drop bombs on them. Unfortunately, their aggressive assault is more subtle, for they realize that working behind the scenes to penetrate America will reap more rewards than military combat. They are attacking everything that America has ever stood for that was right and good and true. And they intend to win.
Are we going to let them win? Although we can do nothing of ourselves, there is only hope in Jesus Christ. Right now our duty is to equip ourselves. For example: defend unborn life; learn to wield a gun (yes, even us women!); educate ourselves concerning history, theology, politics, economics, socialism, communism, so we will have an answer to every one that asks us (1 Peter 3:15-16). We are not totally helpless...yet. Even as stay-at-home daughters we can still fight the good fight of faith. Our vigilance, fortitude, and zeal will depend upon our attitudes. If we are truly willing to stand up and fight, first we must prepare our hearts before the Lord. Nothing can be accomplished without His hand (Philippians 4:13). Secondly, we must first fight the good fight right in our own homes. To be a corner stone, "polished after the similitude of a palace" (Psalm 144:12), we must become the daughter and sibling, wife and mother, father and husband and son God wants us to be, which will ultimately be a woman/man after His own heart. We must constantly remind ourselves of the grave danger lurking. As a daughter, son, wife, or husband, we all should remember that we have treacherous enemies working to destroy the very beliefs we stand for. With God's help, become the very best woman or man you possibly can be. With God's help there is no limit. Although our depraved human nature may buck us off now and then, our duty is to get right back on the horse. Failure is not an option. I myself must realize this in my own life. Because I should not dwell on the dejected side of myself, I should press toward the mark of shaping my life according to God's standards. In the end, truth and freedom will endure and triumph, when the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord. Then He will reign forever (Revelation 11:15). Until then, our responsibility is to remain faithful, even when the world seems completely lost in sin and chaos. If we just look at one small portion of the picture it does indeed look hopeless. Like Russia, America would so easily fall completely into communist hands (or is she already?). But if we look at the entire picture, we would see God's promises:
Blessed are you when men revile you for My sake (Matthew 5:11-12).
Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).
Whosoever believes in Me will I confess before My Father (Matthew 10:32-33).
He that endures to the end shall be saved (Matthew 10:28).
I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Well done, though good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:23).
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1-6).
I will overcome (John 16:33).
Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
All things work together for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28).
Nothing shall separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35-39).
God has given us many promises, countless others among these. Finally it all boils down to this verse: "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever." ~Revelation 11:15. Then, "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." ~Revelation 21:4
Daughters at home, I encourage you. Fellow citizens of the United States of America, I cheer you. I want us to be examples of biblical womanhood, of genuine faithfulness, of true excellence, of bona fide fight-hard, die-hard Christians who will sacrifice all for the kingdom of Christ. I want feminists to cower in fear when they hear of our corps. I want communists to retreat in dread of our God. And I want Barak Obama's "change" thwarted by the old-time religion of our founding fathers. The faith and rights our soldiers have fought and died for in the past wars should be fought for today. The War for Independence, as well as the War for Southern Independence, was fought with certain principles in mind, that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
What else have we to fight for, to die for, if not for Jesus Christ and these basic principles of life? The answer is nothing, nothing whatsoever.
*Rachel Brown is the eldest daughter of James and Sonya Brown. She is an amazing writer, a talented violinist, a good cook, and a dedicated daughter. To read more about her, you can visit her blog, Covenant Maiden.
AS a daughter at home myself, I really feel where you are coming from. However, balance is the key to everything. While communism and communist leaders, have done much hard in the past, many of the prosperous nations in the world today are socialist or have socialistic elements to their government. In the same note, Feminism in balance can bring... balance to society. It is hard for us to image what is like to have no legal rights as women, but there as a time and still are places, where a man's wealth is determined by his "sons, cattle and wives in that order".
ReplyDeleteSo this is my stance... where ever I am, what ever government I am in, whatever rights I have recognized.... to be content. to learn from my beautiful sisters and brothers around the global and PRAY for them. And not pray that God will bless them, but rather, pray that in their content, in the places where God put them that they will glorify Him in ways their neighbours will understand. Some issues in life are just issues surrounding the context God gave us.
There are no socialist countries that are doing well. Socialism, like Communism, does NOT work! Feminism is a lie and rebellion against God and his intended order It doesn't work either. The family is crumbling and studies have clearly shown that women are less happier than they were 50 years ago. There can be no balance between good and evil or right and wrong.