August 16, 2010

Where is the dignity?

I was perusing Facebook the other day and one of my face book "friends" had posted a homebirth video.  Now before you read any further, let me explain first and foremost that this is not a rant against homebirth.  I gave birth to 6 of my 8 babies at home and I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.  Birth is a natural and wonderful thing, it is a miraculous event, and the little bundle of life that is brought forth is even more miraculous!  It is a testament to God’s wondrous creation, that He stated in Genesis was very good.  Each and everyone of us is fearfully and wonderfully made by the hand of an Awesome Creator! 

Unfortunately though, in our effort to promote life, which I am unashamedly for, we demote ourselves to nothing more than cattle.  We must stand against the evils of murder (abortion), but must we break down the walls of decency and dignity to do so?  The celebration of life should be about a new baby born into this world, not the video of a naked woman on all fours pushing the baby out for all the world to see.  I am still in disbelief that Christians would post this stuff!  Just because it is a miraculous event doesn’t mean it is to be viewed by anyone and everyone.  The making of a life is a miraculous event too, but, yeah, you get the picture.  Is that what is going to be posted next?  “Here is the video of when baby Joe was conceived.”  Come on people,  I believe we are called to holiness and righteousness, not whatever vulgar antics we can come up with to promote our beliefs.

It is very important that we promote what is right, but that we also promote it in the right way.  We cannot throw our dignity in the streets just to get a point across.  God’s Word should be our standard for everything we do, not just some things, but EVERYTHING.  We are not going to gain any ground if we continue to foolishly promote what is right, by promoting what is wrong as well.  It must all be right, or it will all be for naught.

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