"To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity;" - Proverbs 1:3
The Bible tells the older women in Titus 2 that they are to "teach the younger women". There are many things listed that they are to teach, and if I start down that road, then I will be writing for a while and that is not the focus of this post. (we'll save that for another day...) The point I want us to focus on in this post is, are we ready and willing to RECEIVE that wisdom and instruction, or do we only want to listen when it "tickles" our ears, when it has a pleasant ring to it? The same holds true in our submission to our husbands. God told Eve that her desire would be to her husband and he would rule over her. Yet we tend to let feminism, humanism, ME-ism, rear their ugly heads and tell us that OUR way is better. Let us purpose in our hearts that we are going receive instruction with humble hearts, ready to change if the need be, willing to accept rebuke without putting our foot down and demanding our "rights". "A wise man (or woman) will hear..." - Proverbs 1:5
Yes, please go on.